Recognized Digital Signature

The Issuance of Digital Signatures department fully covers the process for obtaining Digital Certificates (ADDY) based on Ministry specifications (APED).

Having successfully served hundreds of businesses and public bodies throughout Greece since the time when the use of Digital Signature became mandatory, we are able to provide simplified procedures, Direct, Reliable and Responsible.

The process for obtaining a Digital Signature is fully covered. Immediately - Reliably - Nationwide.

Having successfully processed the installation of over 8,000 Digital Signatures, we provide a result guarantee (100% Successful Installations). We ensure the smoothest and most immediate service as well as the possibility of obtaining a Digital Signature immediately, even within the same day. Finally, we stand out for Continuous Technical Support.

Maximum customer satisfaction is sought so that our services fully meet their expectations, while special emphasis is placed on after-sales support.

The Department of Issuing Digital Signatures takes over the entire process for a business or a public body to be able to sign digitally. The process of issuing a digital signature includes:

  • Acquisition and Installation of the necessary equipment/usb token

  • Configuring and Setting USB TOKEN (Recognized Certificates)

  • Installation of a digital signature and the necessary programs (on a usb token and on a computer).

  • Tutorial and User Training for creating digitally signed documents.

  • Full technical support.

Our company's services include full Support at all stages for obtaining the Digital (Electronic) Signature. The necessary Digital Certificates, Hard Storage, with 3-year validity based on legislation and Ministry specifications are provided.


Direct Acquisition of Digital Signature for Public Tenders, Developmental Law.



Ξεκινούν οι ηλεκτρονικές δημοπρασίες για την παραχώρηση 550 τμημάτων αιγιαλού και παραλίας για το 2025


Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης: Αλλαγή παραγωγικού μοντέλου με δράσεις ύψους 3,3 δισ. ευρώ


Σε λειτουργία η νέα υπηρεσία της Εξ Αποστάσεως Ταυτοποίησης πολιτών από την ΑΠΕΔ για την απόκτηση ψηφιακής υπογραφής


Στατιστικά Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων [Προμηθειών, Μελετών και Συναφών Υπηρεσιών] - 1ο τρίμηνο 2024


Δημόσιες συμβάσεις - Πιλοτική δίκη: Κατάπτωση παραβόλου προδικαστικής προσφυγής σε περίπτωση παραίτησης

"Thank you very much for the prompt service."
ISO Certification Body
Public Tenders Information Service
"Thank you so much. You were very helpful!"
Refrigerator Industry - Ice Factory
Obtaining a Digital Signature
"Thank you very much. You are very informative and prompt."
Civil engineer
Induction into Subsidized Programs
"Thank you very much for your prompt Service."
Logistics Services Company
Participation in a Public Tender
"Our cooperation is going very well. I am very pleased."
Elevators, Metal Shelves
Participation in a Public Tender
"Just received the USB stick. Thank you very much for the excellent cooperation!"
Participation in a Public Tender
"Thank you for your continued support and very good cooperation."
Furniture Eshop
Induction into Subsidized Programs
"Thank you for the cooperation! You are very helpful, prompt, cooperative."
Transportation Service
Public Tenders Information Service
"Thank you very much for the Impeccable Cooperation. Let's be Victorious in the next Competition!"
Air Conditioning Company
Participation in a Public Tender
"You have all been very helpful. I will continue to recommend you. Thank you so much for everything."
Obtaining a Digital Signature
"I'm so glad I chose you as you've helped us all brilliantly. Thank you so much for everything."
Exhibition Organization Company
Public Tenders Information Service
"You are a very organized office. Congratulations! You respond promptly, factually and thoroughly."
Gas Station
Induction into Subsidized Programs
"Everything went very well with the digital signature we were having trouble with. You are very organized."
Water Science - Chemical Products
Obtaining a Digital Signature
"Thank you very much for our excellent cooperation! I hope for similar successful future cooperations!"
Photography and Graphic Design Services
Induction into Subsidized Programs
"We are very satisfied. We are interested in cooperating with you for the rest of your services regarding Public Tenders, NSRF and ISO."
Service Provider
Obtaining a Digital Signature
"You are exemplary in your work dear friends. It is a pleasure to work with you !!! Thank you very much for your prompt response."
Trade in Medical Technology Products
Participation in a Public Tender
"You are very helpful and helped us immediately. Thank you very much. We really appreciate it and thank you for your help. We wish you a prosperous business."
Transports - Movers
Induction into Subsidized Programs
"You are amazing and your executives are especially cooperative and amazing. I have been a professional for over 40 years and I have very rarely met companies like yours."
Trade in Musical Instruments
Participation in a Public Tender
"Thank you very much. Your response was immediate. We are glad we found your company, because in the past we had constant problems with our digital signature."
Medical Devices - Products
Obtaining a Digital Signature
"We sincerely thank you and your entire team for your cooperation, sound advice, overseeing the entire process diligently and finally achieving the grant."
Accounting Office
Induction into Subsidized Programs
"On contacting you, among many, I decided we would go ahead no matter the cost because you are so prompt and courteous. You reassured me that I would have my Digital right away. You are very businesslike in your work!"
Medical Technology Products
Obtaining a Digital Signature
"You are very nice and kind. All our questions were answered and you are very polite. We are delighted and prefer you in everything else you do. We were very satisfied and thank you very much. We are very pleased."
Fuels - Lubricants
Obtaining a Digital Signature


Ξεκινούν οι ηλεκτρονικές δημοπρασίες για την παραχώρηση 550 τμημάτων αιγιαλού και παραλίας για το 2025


Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης: Αλλαγή παραγωγικού μοντέλου με δράσεις ύψους 3,3 δισ. ευρώ


Σε λειτουργία η νέα υπηρεσία της Εξ Αποστάσεως Ταυτοποίησης πολιτών από την ΑΠΕΔ για την απόκτηση ψηφιακής υπογραφής


Στατιστικά Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων [Προμηθειών, Μελετών και Συναφών Υπηρεσιών] - 1ο τρίμηνο 2024


Δημόσιες συμβάσεις - Πιλοτική δίκη: Κατάπτωση παραβόλου προδικαστικής προσφυγής σε περίπτωση παραίτησης